Life Members
Every year the Winnacott Kats Junior Football Club has the opportunity to award one of its members with Life Membership.
Life Membership is an honour bestowed to an individual whose loyal and outstanding service and exceptional contribution to the club has been of measurable benefit to the club over an extended period of time.
To be eligible for Life Membership one must have volunteered at the Winnacott Kats for a minimum of five years.
Below are the names of the Kats Life Membership recipients. Congratulations to our Life Members.
Matt Templeton and Gloria Fitzgerald
Catherine Elliot and Rob Davidson
Judy Mancini
Mark Kerspien
Anthony Yerkovich
Lynette Smith
Jodie Zanoli
Adrian Morell
Sandro Patat
Ray Meadowcroft
Brad Smith and Mark Murphy
Chris Isaia and Rob Martinovich
Murray Armstrong
Peter Gill
Steve Hucker
John Wigham
(Not awarded)
Norm Harris
Todd Sciascia